The following classes are generally available to Ballantrae Golf and Country Club residents. Please contact me by email at for more information. Register through the Rec Centre by emailing Dayna Stoddart. More information is available at (the Rec Centre Page).

Friends and family are invited register and to take part in the classes. Please get more info on this from Dayna Stoddart.


*** Philippe Lacaille will be teaching the Monday and Tuesday Classes until end of May ***

SUMMER 2024 TEACHING SCHEDULE (note *** No Friday Classes in Summer)

Class Descriptions:

Gentle Yoga

For all levels of students who enjoy and slow gentle, yet sometimes challenging yoga practice. Fundamental postures and breathing techniques will be offered to afford students an enriching yoga experience. Helpful props such as blocks and straps will be used to support the body. Beginners are welcome.


Similar to the Friday Yoga Mix class, this is open to all levels. It is suitable for those wanting and needing accessible yoga with a focus on functional movement. You will enjoy a typical Lydia yoga class … fun, playful and safe with the use of various props including straps, blocks and bolsters.  We will explore breathing techniques and traditonal yoga postures and flows, particularly those known to improve balance and strength. Enhanced flexibility might be noticed as a pleasant side effect. Bring a yoga mat and a blanket

Deepen Your Yoga (on hold at this time)

Targeting those with some experience, yet looking to deepen their knowledge of yoga. We may dive into some yoga philosophy and an in-depth review of postures in this workshop settings. Each week is an opportunity to explore a new theme. Yogis looking to deepen their knowledge of yoga will enjoy this class.

Hatha Yoga Mix

Just as it sounds, this class is quite the mix. Experience anything from a gentle, restorative yoga class to a full, energetic flow. The yoga practice will vary depending on the weather, season and the whim of the teacher. Mix it up and have fun. Suitable for all levels. This is a very popular class so register early if possible.