Family, Humour and Yoga

Twenty Years of Guiding Yoga

Did you know that I have been a professional yoga teacher for 20 years? The anniversary of my very first teacher training is coming up on November 21st. In the Fall of 2004, my husband drove me to that crazy place, the Kripalu Centre in Lenox, Massachusetts. One month and many lost pounds later I emerged. I had endured a brutal training. Eighteen hour days, endless lectures, vegan diet, three 90 minute yoga classes per day and soul-sucking practice teaching. All of this without the influence of alcohol or coffee!

Upon returning home I created a resume and pounded the pavement looking for work like a hungry beast. I managed to score a few gigs. My pragmatic goal was simple. I wanted to earn enough money to cover the expenses of my training. My idealistic goal was the challenge;  to become a respected, long-time yoga teacher serving many bright-eyed and bushy-tailed students. I believe both goals were achieved, one within the year; the other not so quickly. In truth, it took me 15 years and many more trainings to come to a place where I was sure I was able to guide students through classes safely and joyfully. 

I have been so honoured to share my love of yoga with you, Dear Yogis, and to have so much fun doing so.

Thank you to my mentors, YuMee Chung and Elaine Jackson.

Thank you to all of my teachers, past, present and future.